Why does the “bad boy” attract all the girls? The infamous “bad boy” attracts all the girls because the “bad boy” and all the girls he attracts, share a similar belief–“I am un-whole”. And there are a lot more people who share this belief then its antithesis—I am whole.
And so, this attraction of multiple women is at its essence an attraction of pain. Both the “bad boy” and all the women he attracts, interpret pain as “love”, “love” was defined in the form of pain as they experienced it before adolescence.
And so, getting caught up in the idea of I am not attracting multiple women is illusive. Though culture may propagate the idea that a man’s degree of manliness is proportional to female partners, the reality of the matter is that if you are courting many women, it is most likely a product of the internal trauma being externalized in the form of what you are attracting. The more women, the more unhealed trauma.