Bulldogs Ain’t Krunk…Shhh

Dear Class of 2014,

Haha! Where does the time go !!! My heart is full and overjoyed. I’m honored to have shared my high school experience with you and last night was reminiscent of the bit of life we shared together in high school some time ago. To all who came out, thank you for the time you shared with me last night, for the laughs, the fun, the nostalgia, the time we got to share together once again. I’m grateful to have another memory to be fond of in my late age. For those who couldn’t make it, my love and joy for you is still shared!

To our 10 year reunion. To Life. To being certified “Uncs”.

Donnie Don Juan

P.S. Yes, I signed with Donnie not Wesley ;p
P.P.S Anyone remember bulldogs ain’t krunk ?!!

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