Went beach camping with a few buds of mine this past weekend and what a trip haha.. I look at life and the further along I partake on this journey the more it baffles me.
I’ve known these guys for 12 years, moved to 3 different states, they’ve endured their own life journey and yet here we are, managing to meet up on a random beach in California, play some spike ball, reminisce and watch the sunset against a breathtaking back drop of the pacific.
It baffles me and also at the same time fills my heart with so much joy. To endure this journey of friendship with these people and to take a moment like we had and chill was both miraculous and awesome.

As if time itself or even life had just paused and we travelled back to our middle school days, where our only worries were figuring out what to do for the day and going with whatever crazy idea Simon could come up with.
My friend, if your reading this and you have come this far know I pray blessings over you and send my sincerest love . Thank you for being who you are, thank you for partaking in this thing we all call life with me. Thank you for being you. My life has been so much fuller with you it.