I Want to Live Here and Now

Do not live in what should be, what could be, what has happened or what will happen. Do not live for tomorrow or yesterday. Live not inside your head.  Live in what is. Right here. Right now. Be.

Living inside my head has probably been one of my toughest challenges in life. I can go to places in my mind that consume me and be lost entirely in thought, completely missing the magnificent reality unfolding before me externally.

I want to be a person that understands that the thoughts that exist within my head are thoughts, figments of my imagination and sometimes not even of my own making.

To live presently, is what I seek. To recognize that what I have is only now, only the moment, and every moment I am granted is extraordinary .

The highlighted text above, is a thought process that I am still coming into, but one I want to consistently remind myself to recognize and adopt.

The more I have deliberated on the main idea highlighted above and put it into practice, the more peace I have found in my life and freedom.

I find peace in the recognition that I have been granted this extraordinary moment! I am alive, I am breathing, I am here, I am now. The past has gone, and the future is not here, if I can choose to exist presently, I am peace and stillness and oh what a wonderful state of being.

I find freedom in my ability to define my character by my actions in this moment. I am not defined by what I have done, because what I have done exists in the past. I am not defined by what I will do, because it has not happened. Rather, I am defined by what I choose to do, right here, right now, in this moment. I decide with this moment that I am offered right now.

Questions for you

  • Do you live in the peace of the present?
  • Do you find yourself more concerned with what is going on in your mind, rather than what is unfolding in the present moment?
  • Why do you hold onto the concerns of yesterday or tomorrow?
  • Do you think living “in the moment” could offer you anything?

What do you think...

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"But give that which is within as charity, and then all things are clean for [me]."
Changing MY World, Changes the World.