It Is a Process

So starting up a fitness business for all interested parties… Totally kidding!

Nah, but this picture is just an exhibition of pure pride and exhilaration. I’m not one to really post about my body, and show it off (although, now that might change, just kidding) but for this I had to make an exception.

Because what you are really seeing isn’t a guy who is now fitter, but what you are seeing is a culmination of a journey, a culmination of hitting the gyms, being disciplined, striving. A culmination of disappointment, let downs, and giving in.

What you see on that right side is elation. An attainment of goal that if I could put into one word could be described as…well as you can see I can’t put it into a word, because as the picture may be a snapshot, what you are really seeing is the end of an arduous journey.

And well I just had to share cause honestly this journey means a lot to me, and the culmination of it even more.

For we all have our own journeys, and while I’ve only but shared my fitness Journey. Nonetheless, more often then not we only see where people end up and not the process it took them to get there.

-Mad Love Donnie

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Shout Out to the People Who Stick Around