“BANGAR?” BANGAR!! What a weekend haha. From Chicago for a bass festival to Austin, for a wedding, and then back to Chicago for a house festival..ahh man. I have two words “Love Does.”
Now, I’m quoting Bob Goff here, if you haven’t heard of his book check it out. But, it’s a quote I want to live by myself. Because it’s so true.
Love isn’t something you say it’s an action you commit to.

It’s when you have work at 5am the next morning, but console a friend until 3am. It’s when the love of your life upsets you, but you show up to a family event because it means the world to her. It’s when a friend needs you amidst your busiest day, and you show up. That is love. “Love Does”.
And amidst how tired we are, upset, angry, any kind of state that will counteract our ability to perform selflessly, when we do, well being on the receiving end of actionable love, I don’t know if there is anything greater.